
More options with
viber notifications

The Viber messaging service will give you even more options. You will be able to use not only text but also audio, video and maps in your messages.

Update and attract new customers with the Viber messaging service.

If the customer does not use the Viber service (does not have a Viber app), an alternative SMS message is automatically sent to his phone number.

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Take advantage of our Viber Sending solutions

Send Viber notifications directly through our self-service portal. It has everything you need to send messages and communicate easily with your audience.

Connect your website or CRM to and expand our capabilities and functions through our API by adding an additional Viber sending channel.


Want to try our services ?

Register now and try our services. Check out our convenient self-service website, try out all the features.
You will be amazed at the convenience of a comprehensive self-service website and its management.

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